Procedures and Policies

I want the best for all of my students, academically and behaviorally. I believe that behavior directly impacts academic achievement within the classroom. Therefore, I strictly inforce consequences for negative behaviors such as time outs from the class, lunch or after school detentions, phone calls or emails home, requests for conferences, and administrative actions. I love to see a strong school to home connection because ultimately this helps with your child's success.  Please feel free to contact me by phone or email if you wish to discuss your child's behavior or academics.  

Beginning of Class Expectations: 

You must have the following items on the corner of your desk: pencil/pen, spiral notebook, planner, homework from last night, and reading/writing materials. You must be working on your warm up quietly. The warm up will always be on the front board. You will use your assigned clicked to input your warm up answers. You clicker will then stay on the corner of your desk for the remainder of the class period.

End of Class Expectations:

When directed, you wil begin filling in your homework planner, place your spiral notebook in the table crate, cleaning/clearing your desk, checking the supplies in your table pencil box. After table points are taken, and you are given permission, you will push in your chair, put your clicker away, and quietly line up.

Tardy to Class:

If you are late to class 2 times without a pass, you will be issued a detention. The first tardy without a pass is your warning, but each tardy after that will result in consequences. If you do enter class and we have already started, go to your seat quietly and begin working. I will get your pass from you when time allows.

Classroom Grading- Weighted:

Tests/Quizzes 20%
Class Assignments 40%
Projects 20%
Homework 10%
Participation 10%
Total 100%

Late Assignments:

All assignments must be turned in on time, including homework. Assignments can be made up until the third day before the marking period ends. Late work will be counted as 1/2 credit. When you are absent, you have the amount of days that you were absent to turn in your work (ie. absent for two days? you have two days to make up your work). Any work received after your make up time period is only eligible to receive half credit. Turn in all make up work in the drawer that corresponds to your class in the pink organizer near the door. Not turning in an assignment will result in an NHI (Not Handed In) in my gradebook and a 0% on the assignment.

Test/Assignment Corrections:

If you receive a score that you are not happy with on an assignment, you may do test/assignment corrections. You must make all corrections on a separate sheet of paper, and staple the sheet of paper to the original assignment. You must turn in your corrections before the end of the marking period in order to receive credit. I will grade the corrections and average the new score with the original score to determine your new grade. (Example: You orignally scored a 70%. You did test/assignment corrections and earned an 85%. Youe new score would be the average of those two scores: an 80%. Your original score still counts for something, so make sure you put in YOUR BEST effort the first time.) Also, if you turned in an assignment late (see "late assignments" above), the assignment is not eligible for assigment correction. It is your responsibility as a sixth grade student to be sure that all assignments are turned in on time!

Bathroom Passes:

You will be allowed 3 restroom/drink passes each marking period.  Please do your best to visit the restroom before school, between classes, at lunch, or after school. The more time you spend in class, the more information you will absorb. Time out of class is learning time lost.

**Please see individual class websites for student created social contracts. These contracts govern the way that we treat each other in the classroom and act as our classroom rules.**