Reminders for all classes

Welcome to 6th grade! I am glad to have you in my classroom. Laughing

Your job when you are in school is to be a good student and learn all you can. Please be prepared for class each day and exhibit positive behaviors no matter where you are in the building (or outside of the building).

 READING- Remember to bring your independent reading book to class with you every day. It is mandatory for ALL students to have the book with them EVERY day. You should take your book to all of your classes with you as well, not just ELA. If you finish an assignment, you should be reading. You also need to be reading your book at least 20 minutes a night. Your goal is to read 25 chapter books on your reading level by the end of the year.  (A book needs to be 100 pages or more to count. For every 150 pages the book has, I will count it as a book. Therefore, if a book has 671 pages, I would count it as 4 books.) If you finish a book, please notify me so I can keep track of it on our class reading tracker. Also, you will be required to fill out a summary card for each book that you finish in order to get credit. If the summary card content is questionable, the teacher may request to have a conference to speak with you about the, please, do your best.

As our school year as 6th graders begins, please take note of the class contract that you signed in the first few days of school. Choices not to comply with school rules, or the class contract, will result in consequences. Some consequences include time out, phone calls home, lunch detention, after school detention, parent conferences, Thursday night school, and referrals. Please make positive choices at all times.